Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Welcome to our world, Nolan James Garrison!

On Thursday, December 17th I began having contractions around 8 am. They started out at 10 minutes apart so I wasn't quite sure if this was the real thing or not, although these contractions felt different than the ones I've been having for the last month. Graham went on to work and I decided I should get things in order just in case today was the day. Soon the contractions were coming at 6 and 7 minutes apart. I called my midwife and she said that I needed to get to the hospital. So I called Graham to come home and Ashley to come stay with Nicholas. By the time Graham and I made it to Northside (we got into our room at noon), the contractions were coming quicker and more intense. However, when my midwife checked me, I was only dialated at a 3 and Nolan was really high up. I was told to walk the hospital in hopes that it would get things moving. Boy did it ever! Graham and I did laps and the contractions were coming at the same spot in the hall everytime. Then they started coming faster and were so painful. By the time I was done walking (2 pm), the contractions were every 2 minutes and I was dialated to a 4 and Nolan had moved further down. He was turned a different way so unfortunately I was having back labor. I received the epidural at 3:30 pm.--I was so thankful!! Now we just had to wait for things to progress. This was difficult for me as I was so anxious for Nolan to be here and for the labor to be over. At 8 pm. it was time to push! Amazingly, I only pushed for 2 minutes and then he was here! Weighing 7 pounds 9 ounces and measuring 20 inches, Nolan James Garrison entered into our world. He seemed so tiny compared to our big baby Nicholas. It was so special to have our family there to share in such an amazing moment in our life. Mom, Dad, Butch, Kathy, Ashley, Holly and Matt were all there supporting us and welcoming Nolan. Of course one of my favorite moments was seeing Nicholas as he met his baby brother for the first time. It was such a special day for him and he was so happy. I know he's going to be such a wonderful big brother!

Nolan is such a sweet baby! He's been a great eater and sleeper and only cries during diaper changes or when he's hungry. He truly has such a sweet disposition. These first two weeks have been so wonderful! God's timing was perfect. Even though Nolan arrived 3 weeks early, it has been such a blessing having Graham and the family off of work and together for Christmas. God has blessed our family beyond measure and I feel that Nolan's birth has helped us to celebrate the Christmas season in its truest form. Celebrating the birth of Christ and God's amazing love and sacrifice for us. Spending time with family and being thankful for all of the love we have for each other and the incredible blessings that God has given us. This was truly a wonderful Christmas. I'll share more about our Christmas events in my next blog!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Preschool Christmas Program

Nick's preschool had their Christmas Program this morning. I'm so thankful that I was able to make it to it! Daddy, Aunt Ashley, and PopPop were able to come as well! Nicholas did so wonderful! We were all so proud of him. He looked like such a big boy up there singing along and doing the hand motions to the songs. In fact he looked so grown up it took us all a moment to recognize him in his costume. He waswearing a crown and a purple robe so he looked so different to us. When he first came out he seemed to be in a daze and didn't see us all for a minute even though we were sitting in the front row. Then once he saw us, he was so cute how he would look over during his singing and give us this shy, sly grin. The whole time I was watching I just couldn't get over how cute he was and how proud I was to be his Mommy. He is growing up so fast--I can't believe he is old enough to sing up on a stage and stay still and learn the songs! Way to go Nick! I tried all day to upload the video but it must be too big of a file so here are some pics instead.
(And for a quick update on me, I'm still very pregnant and having tons of contractions and pain but nothing regular. I think this will go on forever....)

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Baby update

This morning I went to the doctor for my check up. I'm continueing to progress and am now 3 cm dialated and 70% effaced. My midwife Natalie said she believes that he'll come sometime this week. She told me to do lots of walking and eat eggplant parmasean! But if I am still pregnant next Monday, 12/21, she recommended stripping the membranes which will put me into labor within 48 hours. It doesn't sound like an enjoyable procedure but I sure am ready to get things moving so I'm willing to do it. So it seems likely that Nolan will be here before Christmas--he could even be a Christmas baby!
After the doctor's appointment, we had nothing planned for the rest of the day so I decided to take Nicholas to the mall to follow orders and walk. Plus, yesterday Nicholas told me that he liked Santa now and wanted to go meet him and sit and talk with him. So I thought we'd give it a try again. He went back and forth on this many times--scared at first, then wanting to see Santa, then scared again. So we went to play in the play area at the mall and I did not think he was going to go through with seeing Santa. But after finishing playing, as we walked by, he suddenly seemed excited about Santa. I was so proud of him! He walked right up to Santa and sat on his lap and even smiled for the camera. He told Santa that he wanted "presents" and he told him about his baby brother Nolan who was going to be coming for Christmas also. Santa was very nice and had me sit down next to him too and told me that if Nolan comes before Christmas, he wants me to come back to see him and we wouldn't have to wait in line! Nicholas and I had a great date at the mall, eating Chick-fil-a of course and walking around and playing. It made me a little sad to think that his time is ending of being our only child and he'll have to share me with his brother very soon. I pray that he does well with the adjustment. I hope to post the Santa picture later. Right now it's naptime and Baxter and I are laying on the bed while I am having some contractions. We'll see how long these last!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Ginger bread houses and a great birthday party!

On Thursday, Aunt Ashley had the day off and came over to play--what a treat! I was also getting an early delivery present of getting the house cleaned by a cleaning service! So we decided to decorate a gingerbread house before the cleaners came. This is kind of sad, but I think this might have been my first time decorating a gingerbread house. It was Nick's first time and of course all he wanted to do was eat all of the candy. My rule of only eating one piece of each kind of candy and then decorating with the rest, did not get followed very well as he kept popping them in his mouth. But in the end, he did a great job of decorating it and it came out pretty good for a two year old. He was quite upset at the end when he realized that he wasn't going to get to eat the entire thing. After we finished, the cleaners arrived and did a wonderful job of cleaning the house. It was so wonderful to have someone else come in and do all the deep cleaning--especially being this pregnant and not able to bend and work like that these days! I said goodbye to the cleaners and went to the bathroom and heard a loud crash. I went running into the kitchen to find the gingerbread house shattered on my freshly cleaned kitchen floor. Sprinkles, icing, and candy were everywhere and Baxter was frantically trying to eat what he could before I got to him. Thankfully Nicholas was asleep and did not witness the tragedy! I really think that we gave Bax the wrong name as we definitely live with Marley. How am I going to survive with him and a newborn and a 2 1/2 year old?
On Saturday we headed down to Peachtree City for Trip's 4th birthday party at Chick-fil-a. It was such a great party and Nicholas had so much fun. Chick-fil-a is his favorite place and of course he had so much fun being with his cousins and Aunt and Uncle and Grandad and Kaki. I just can't believe that Trip is 4 already. The time has really flown by. He is such a sweet, loving boy and I can't wait to see all of the great things he will do in the next few years.
As for me, I've been having lots of contractions and keep thinking that any day could be the day that Nolan decides to arrive. But at the same time, because I'm anticipating it so much, I'm sure he'll wait and have to be induced. I'll be going to the doctor tomorrow and can't wait to hear if I've progressed at all. We've basically gotten things in order and feel ready for his arrival. Of course making plans for Christmas celebrations with the family is a bit challenging not knowing if Nolan will be joining us before or after Christmas. But that's ok, we've all just had to take up a "go with the flow attitude" these days.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Dear Nolan,

How excited I was to see you today on the ultrasound! How sweet and precious your little profile is. Your Daddy said that he thought you looked like his Granddaddy Albert. We cannot wait to meet you and hold you in our arms and see your beautiful face. I do wonder who you will look like and if you will look like your big brother or not? You have grown in my belly for 36 weeks now but there is still so much to learn about you. What we do know is that you are a beautiful and wonderful creation of God. You are loved, prayed for, and wanted as a wonderful addition to our family. You are strong and wiggly and love music and storytime--you're always kicking and dancing to let me know. You give me lots of heartburn...will the old wives tale be true and will you be born with a head of hair? It seems like you're going to be a big baby, just like your older brother. Today the ultrasound showed that you are measuring at 39 weeks and 4 days and you are about 7 pounds 2 ounces already! We are planning to induce on either December 27th or 28th but my midwife thinks you will come before then. Will you be a Christmas baby? Whichever date you choose, it will be such a joyous day for us. While this pregnancy has been challenging for me at times, I would do it all again--all the morning sickness, heartburn, contractions, and backaches--for the chance to meet you, love you, hug you and kiss you. I am so honored to be your mother and carry you inside me. As your brother says as he feels my belly "Come out baby Nolan!" We love you so!

Saturday, December 5, 2009


Today both Nicholas and I got our haircut. For me, it was a wonderful relaxing treat and I enjoyed the quiet time very much. Plus I love my short new due. While I was at the salon, Graham was taking Nicholas to get his hair cut. A few months ago, Nicholas developed a fear of getting his haircut. I have always done his haircuts and for some reason he just started freaking out and due to his hysterical tantrums, I have not been able to cut his hair for 4 months now! Graham and I could no longer stand the rattail that he had grown and thought Nicholas might do better at a kid's cut place and if Daddy took him instead of Mommy. Well he had a great time, up until it was time to get in the chair and then the hysterics started. Graham did all the right things--lollipop, bribed him with a present at the end, Finding Nemo on tv, etc--but nothing worked. He came back home with the rattail still intact! We decided that we just had to hold him down and give the boy a cut--otherwise he'd soon be looking like Kate Hudson's little boy Ryder with girlie rock star hair--Not our boy! We brought his booster seat into the bathroom and strapped him in. Graham held him down and I went to work with the trimmer. Poor Nicholas was bright red, covered in sweat and snot from all the crying, and of course covered in hair. He kept saying over and over "I all done. I fine. All done now." Over and over in between sobs. It was a good thing that none of my DFCS friends showed up at the house at that time. In the end I decided to us the clippers on his entire head (instead of just the back and sides like I normally do) so he has a very short cut so that we can wait a while before we have to go through this again. But he does look very cute, even though it's different than what we're used too.
Here are a few examples of some of the funny things Nicholas has said recently: Yesterday while playing with his Little People nativity scene, Baxter tried to pick up one of the pieces and Nick said "Daster, we don't eat Jesus!" Whenever Bax came near it, he would repeat this. Then tonight, I was in the kitchen and burped (this happens when you're 9 months pregnant!) and from across the living room without even looking up Nick yells out "Excuse me!"