Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Special Delivery!

What a difficult week we have had dealing with various family health issues. We have spent this week on our knees in prayer and drawing close with our Lord. And in His perfect timing, God sent us a reminder today of his faithfulness, love, and grace. And it literally arrived on our doorstep! Graham's book, Hero's Tribute, arrived today! He received 50 copies and they are oh so beautiful :) This day has been so anticipated and dreamed about over these years. And I think that it is fitting, in light of the book's theme and message, that when this day has finally come, the Lord has shifted our mindset and priorities so that we are focused on the love we have for each other, our wonderful family members, and our precious Lord and Savior. My prayer for the book has always been that God would get the glory and that we would be focused on "success" for God's Kingdom. I am so proud of Graham and all he has accomplished. And I know this is just the beginning too! So, Graham, as you embark on this new, exciting adventure as a published author, I am so honored to be by your side for the journey, cheering you on every step of the way!
Books will be in stores very soon! Be sure to get your copy or order online on Amazon. And we are so thankful to everyone for your love and support!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Last week

Last week my "nesting" went into overdrive and I dove into a few home projects around the house that I've been dreaming about doing for months (maybe years). I took the pregnancy nesting drive to get me motivated! First I installed a silver tin metal looking backsplash in the kitchen behind the oven. Then I put up new drawers pulls and cabinet knobs throughout the kitchen cabinets. We didn't have any before so that was a lot of drilling but I'm very happy with them and the backsplash. I'm slowly trying to bring our kitchen out of the 80's. And I did it all by myself too so I'm extra proud of my work! I also hung pictures of Nicholas in our hallway ("The Wall of Nicholas" I am now calling it). After getting his 2 year pictures made, there were just so many pictures of him so I decided to organize them to one wall showing his progression from baby to now. And after the baby is here, he'll get the opposite wall. We definitely need a bigger house to display all of these pictures as the kids continue to grow! And the last project that I started was picking out the paint for Nick's big boy room. Unfortunately Graham hurt his back last week so he wasn't able to paint yet. Hopefully soon we'll be able to get that done too and soon Nick will make his transition.
On Saturday, I went out to meet some friends for some volunteer work and the boys were getting a day of Daddy/son time together. They ended up spending the entire day without me as I was in a minor car accident. I was so thankful that I didn't have Nicholas in the car with me and that myself and the baby weren't hurt. The accident turned into a hit and run as the teenage boys in the car fled the scene. I spent the afternoon and evening in the hospital being checked out by Labor and Delivery just to make sure that Baby G was ok. My sweet mom stayed with me through the whole thing so that Graham could be home with Nicholas. One little gift from all that was the opportunity to be hooked up to the monitors and hear the baby's heartbeat and all of this movements for many hours. He is one strong baby with a super strong heartbeat and he just loves to wiggle and kick and dance in there. It's amazing how much you can love someone that you've never even seen before! I am praising God for his protection and care throughout everything on Saturday. God is so good and so faithful!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Fairmount and football

We spent our Labor Day weekend visiting with Grandad and Kaki up in Fairmount. I love going to their home because it is always so relaxing being up in the country. Kaki spoils us with delicious meals and life is just a little slower when you're lounging in a rocking chair on the porch overlooking their view of the valley. And soon things will be even more relaxing up there as they are in the middle of putting in a pool as well as some remodeling and expansion on the house! It's going to be beautiful when they are through. Friday night we went out for Mexican food which was lots of fun and very yummy. On Saturday the boys started out the day with a dip in the hot tub! Then of course the day was filled with lots and lots of college football. Nicholas even fell asleep in Grandad's arms at one point while watching football. While the UGA game did not go as we had hoped, it was fun to watch the first game of the season and see Nick's craziness and excitement while watching the game. Graham has trained him well and Nicholas goes nuts for all things Bulldogs and was incredibly excited for the game. Nicholas filled the rest of his time by playing with their cars and trains that he loves and of course digging in the rocks outside (his favorite). Unfortunately, he ended things on a bad note on Sunday morning by "waking up on the wrong side of the crib" and having numerous tantrums as we were trying to eat breakfast, pack up and leave. He was having some cold symptoms and must have been worn out by all the fun of the weekend as I had to put him down for a nap as soon as we got home (2 hours early) and he slept for 4 hours.
It was a great weekend though and we can't wait to go back in just a few weeks to test out the new pool! Thanks Grandad and Kaki!!
(Somehow Kaki and I didn't make it into any pictures from the weekend! From the pictures it looks like a boys weekend.)