On Thursday, December 17th I began having contractions around 8 am. They started out at 10 minutes apart so I wasn't quite sure if this was the real thing or not, although these contractions felt different than the ones I've been having for the last month. Graham went on to work and I decided I should get things in order just in case today was the day. Soon the contractions were coming at 6 and 7 minutes apart. I called my midwife and she said that I needed to get to the hospital. So I called Graham to come home and Ashley to come stay with Nicholas. By the time Graham and I made it to Northside (we got into our room at noon), the contractions were coming quicker and more intense. However, when my midwife checked me, I was only dialated at a 3 and Nolan was really high up. I was told to walk the hospital in hopes that it would get things moving. Boy did it ever! Graham and I did laps and the contractions were coming at the same spot in the hall everytime. Then they started coming faster and were so painful. By the time I was done walking (2 pm), the contractions were every 2 minutes and I was dialated to a 4 and Nolan had moved further down. He was turned a different way so unfortunately I was having back labor. I received the epidural at 3:30 pm.--I was so thankful!! Now we just had to wait for things to progress. This was difficult for me as I was so anxious for Nolan to be here and for the labor to be over. At 8 pm. it was time to push! Amazingly, I only pushed for 2 minutes and then he was here! Weighing 7 pounds 9 ounces and measuring 20 inches, Nolan James Garrison entered into our world. He seemed so tiny compared to our big baby Nicholas. It was so special to have our family there to share in such an amazing moment in our life. Mom, Dad, Butch, Kathy, Ashley, Holly and Matt were all there supporting us and welcoming Nolan. Of course one of my favorite moments was seeing Nicholas as he met his baby brother for the first time. It was such a special day for him and he was so happy. I know he's going to be such a wonderful big brother!
Nolan is such a sweet baby! He's been a great eater and sleeper and only cries during diaper changes or when he's hungry. He truly has such a sweet disposition. These first two weeks have been so wonderful! God's timing was perfect. Even though Nolan arrived 3 weeks early, it has been such a blessing having Graham and the family off of work and together for Christmas. God has blessed our family beyond measure and I feel that Nolan's birth has helped us to celebrate the Christmas season in its truest form. Celebrating the birth of Christ and God's amazing love and sacrifice for us. Spending time with family and being thankful for all of the love we have for each other and the incredible blessings that God has given us. This was truly a wonderful Christmas. I'll share more about our Christmas events in my next blog!
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