How excited I was to see you today on the ultrasound! How sweet and precious your little profile is. Your Daddy said that he thought you looked like his Granddaddy Albert. We cannot wait to meet you and hold you in our arms and see your beautiful face. I do wonder who you will look like and if you will look like your big brother or not? You have grown in my belly for 36 weeks now but there is still so much to learn about you. What we do know is that you are a beautiful and wonderful creation of God. You are loved, prayed for, and wanted as a wonderful addition to our family. You are strong and wiggly and love music and storytime--you're always kicking and dancing to let me know. You give me lots of heartburn...will the old wives tale be true and will you be born with a head of hair? It seems like you're going to be a big baby, just like your older brother. Today the ultrasound showed that you are measuring at 39 weeks and 4 days and you are about 7 pounds 2 ounces already! We are planning to induce on either December 27th or 28th but my midwife thinks you will come before then. Will you be a Christmas baby? Whichever date you choose, it will be such a joyous day for us. While this pregnancy has been challenging for me at times, I would do it all again--all the morning sickness, heartburn, contractions, and backaches--for the chance to meet you, love you, hug you and kiss you. I am so honored to be your mother and carry you inside me. As your brother says as he feels my belly "Come out baby Nolan!" We love you so!
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