Thursday, January 7, 2010


Well, as you can imagine, I've been a bit busy and haven't had much time for my blog. So this is very late but I better post a little about Christmas, for posterity's sake.
It truly was a wonderful Christmas. We were all so thankful to have Nolan here for Christmas and to just be together as a family. It made it so special. It was so nice to be focused on these important things and to feel God's love for us so deeply rather than be caught up in the stresses and presents like can often happen. It was also such a joy to experience Christmas through Nick's eyes this year. He loves everything about Christmas (what kid doesn't?) and was so excited about all decorations and the tree and reading all of his Christmas books. One of my favorite things was how excited he was about Jesus. A few days before Christmas Baxter started barking at something outside and Nicholas looked at me and exclaimed "It's Jesus! Mommy, Jesus is coming, Jesus is coming!" (thinking that Baxter was barking at Jesus coming to the door). He did this all week long in anticipation of Christmas and Jesus' birthday. On Christmas Eve we went to church with Mimi and PopPop and Nicholas joined us for "Big church" for the first time. It was a family service that was tailored for kids so he loved it. The children's choirs sang and Nicholas was adorable as he sang all of the songs right along with them! I was amazed at how well and attently he sat through the service (and Nolan did wonderful and slept peacefully through the entire thing). At the end, everyone got glow sticks and held them up and sang Silent Night. Of course he loved the glow stick part. Now I had told Nicholas beforehand that we were going to church to sing songs and celebrate Jesus' birth. So as we were leaving church, he looked at me with very sad and confused eyes and said "But Mommy, where's Jesus? Where's my Jesus?" He did not understand why he didn't get to see Jesus. That's a difficult one to explain to a 2 year old! After church Mimi and PopPop joined us at our house for a delicious dinner of chicken enchiladas (made by Mimi) and then we enjoyed Happy Birthday Jesus cupcakes!
Christmas day was wonderfully busy. We had a full house from 8:30 am until 7:00 pm! Nicholas loved opening presents and helping everyone else open their presents too. Santa brought him a bean bag chair, a drum filled with musical instruments, and a monster truck. He got lots of fun different cars, two favorite movies, books, a leapster computer game system and lots of great things.
We all enjoyed just being together and enjoying the delicious food. Aunt Sue, Uncle Dick and Grandma even made it up in the afternoon and it was so nice to share Christmas with them and introduce them to Nolan. Of course, even amidst the joy and excitement of Christmas and Nolan's arrival, I know that all of us experienced the void that Gami has left in her absence. I can't begin to express how much I have missed her, especially during the holidays and with Nolan's birth. The void that she has left is so great because she was larger than life herself. I know she is watching over all of this though and is so happy to see all of the exciting things going on in our lives.
On the Sunday following Christmas, we managed to pack our family of four into the car and headed down to Peachtree City for Christmas with the Garrison side of the family. It was wonderful watching the kids play and open presents and dinner was delicious! And then Lauren and TJ amazingly offered to keep Nicholas for 2 nights giving me time to spend with Nolan alone while Graham starts back to work! Nick had so much fun and Lauren said he even behaved himself and they had a great time! I really appreciated being able to focus on Nolan and ease my way into being home alone with Nolan without having Nick there too.
It truly was a fabulous Christmas season! Thank you all for all of your love and support!

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