Today was the big day! My baby went off to school for the first time! We got off to a good start in the morning without running late and I was even able to take some pictures of the big day. (Of course since he hates his picture taken I had to bribe him with a granola bar though). Then we were off on the Garrison School Bus to make it to preschool. The teachers recommend that dropping your child off in the carpool line is the easiest and smoothest transition for the children. I was very apprehensive about not walking him to the classroom but thought that the teachers know what they are talking about and I wanted to do this the best way possible. Well as soon as the teacher opened his door, he burst out crying. I gave him a kiss and tried to reassure him and before I knew it they were walking inside. I drove next door to my gym to go work out and sat in the parking lot and cried! I suddenly had no idea why I thought it was a good idea to sign him up for school and I just kept imagining him crying all day long. It took everything in me to not turn around and peep my head in the window to check on him. After praying and crying for a bit, I composed myself and went for my workout. Ok, and I'll admit that I had to call Ashley and cry a little to her and then later when Graham called, there were some more tears. It's the pregnancy hormones, I promise! It felt like the longest 4 hours of my life, not knowing if he was loving it or hating it. But soon I got into my chores of laundry, coupons, grocery lists, and then I hit the grocery store. Before I knew it I was almost running late to pick him up! Wouldn't that have been nice to be late for carpool on the first day! When I pulled around, there he was standing on the curb, holding Ms. Sheri's hand with the biggest smile on his face. He was so excited about his day. Ms. Sheri said that he did wonderful and had a great day. She said he and one other student did the best in the class and never cried. He even ate all of his lunch! During the car ride home he was so happy and was telling me all about his day of playing with cars, singing songs, and that he liked his teachers. He said he can't wait to go back on Wednesday! And now that I've gotten my silly emotions out of the way, I'm looking forward to Wednesday too!
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