Thursday, August 6, 2009

Back to normal

It's always hard coming back from vacation and getting back to life as normal. For me it's meant that my week reprieve from morning sickness is over and I find myself sick again most mornings (it must all be in my head, or it's the house, I can't decide). Nicholas has been having difficulty adjusting as well. For a while now, he has been such a good boy and rarely, if ever, has to go to time out. But this week he's spent everyday in time out at least once each day. On Tuesday he had a huge tantrum at the register in TJ Maxx when I wouldn't give him the candy that was there by the register. Unfortunately, he became a little too dependent on "treats" while we were at the beach as I often had to bribe him with a treat at dinners to get him to stay at the table and eat. He now asks me for his treat every single day, even first thing when he wakes up. I hope to break him of this expectation quickly. Another thing that he started last week was saying the sentence "I don't wike (like) it". It's actually very cute how he says it in his little toddler accent which is probably a good thing for him at this moment because I'm sure that the cuteness will wear off quickly with me. He says this all the time! Not only about not wanting to eat or drink something but also if he doesn't want to do something like hold my hand in a store or get in the car.
Today we met my friend Lesley from Sunday School and her three kids at their pool. Nicholas had so much fun. He saw Hannah (5) and Emma(4) jumping in the pool and started jumping in to me too. I sure got an arm workout with how many times I was catching him and putting him back on the side to jump in again. I'm sad that the summer is coming to an end and our days at the pool are numbered.

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