Sunday, August 16, 2009

Family Fun (and a lotta frustration)

It seems like our Saturdays are always taken up by busy plans or chores but happily yesterday we spent the day just having fun. I had heard about a new "sprayground" (a water playground) that had opened up nearby and we went on a search for it. It was such a nice new park with a great water area, 2 large playgrounds, nice fields, and even a concession stand. There was even a farmer's market going on while we were there! Nicholas had lots of fun playing in the water although he is quite timid with the water and won't run through the fountains like most of the other kids. After a while in the water we moved over to the playground and continued the fun. After we'd had a little too much sun, it was time for lunch and then we went to a nice used bookstore. Nicholas really enjoyed the bookstore too and we all three picked out a book to buy.

Saturday evening we had a neighborhood social in the cul-da-sac. We met some new neighbors that had just moved in and they have two children. The little boy and Nick share the exact same birthday. Nicholas had a great time playing with his new friends with their wagons, frisbees, and chalk. We then left to join the family for dinner out. Aunt Carol and Uncle Cliff are in town and it was good to see the whole family. However, that leads me to my frustrations as Nicholas nearly drove me crazy with his tantruming and crying...

This has been such a difficult week with him. He has been sick with tummy troubles since Wednesday morning. I thought he was doing a little better but today the problems have persisted. So not only am I going through diapers and diaper cream like crazy but I am out of ideas of things to feed Nick that won't upset his stomach, might actually be healthy for him, and he will agree to put in his mouth. On top of that, the terrible two's have come out in a big way. It's like he flicked a switch and he has now decided that he will not cooperate in any way. The "tricks" that used to work with him, no longer do. And the crying and fussing is happening more and more often and is more frequently in public. Today we had to take him home from church after numerous tantrums. Of course I've been expecting these problems to arise but he'd been doing so well that I thought maybe it wasn't going to happen just yet. The interesting thing is that we haven't been able to find a discipline tactic that motivates him. He actually almost enjoys time outs! He will scream and cry and kick about whatever the issue that he doesn't want to do and as soon as we tell him he has to go to time out, he nearly runs to his room and sits like an angel and is very happy during the entire timeout. It's very strange.
So I am bracing myself for another week of bad tummies and bad behavior, but I'm praying for a turnaround!

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