Monday, June 1, 2009

Nick's Secret

Nicholas is so excited to announce that he's going to be a big brother!  We are expecting baby #2 January 3rd, 2010!  I am 9 weeks along currently.  I went to the doctor today and was able to hear a faint heartbeat (it was early to hear it)!  We had an ultrasound 3 weeks ago and saw the tiny dot (heartbeat and all).  However based on how small the baby was they determined that my due date was wrong (originally December 20th) and measured the baby at 6 weeks instead of 8 weeks that we thought we were at.  But my midwives are already saying that I will be induced 1-2 weeks early because of how big Nicholas was!  Of course I am pretty sick yet again this go around so that makes things interesting taking care of Nick while I continue to run to the bathroom!  I'll be sure to keep everyone updated on my growing belly and our growing family.  
As for Nicholas, his vocabulary is growing everyday and he's frequently speaking in sentences now.  He wants to know what the name for everything is and is always pointing and asking "What's that?"  He also loves to sing and it is hilarious listening to him belt out a song.  I can't believe he will be two in just two weeks.  Can't wait for the party!

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