Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Like Father, Like Son

Today was Nick's 2 year check up.  Nicholas has a fear of the doctor, much like his daddy used to when he was little.  I spent the day before preparing him by talking a lot about the doctor and reminding him to not be scared but telling him what would happen at the doctor.  He did a little better than past visits and didn't start crying until the nurse called us to come back to the room.  He hasn't gained any weight over the last 6 months and is still at 28.8 pounds but the doctor wasn't concerned as he's at 51%.  His height was at 67% and his big old head was 93%.  The real excitement came when it was time for his shots.  He was hysterical of course and managed to get one hand free and GRABBED THE NEEDLE AND PULLED IT OUT OF HIS LEG!  I could not believe my eyes and felt so bad that I managed to let that happen.  Unfortunately, that meant he had to get the shot a second time.  As soon as it was all over, he was ready to go and kept saying "Ok, all done!  Bye-bye!" and waving to the doctor and nurse as if he hadn't just disrupted the entire doctor's office with his hysterics.  Oh how I love taking him to the doctor!  
After this, Mimi and I took him to the pool to play (yes, it was a bribe for him to be good at the doctor).  This was just his second time to the pool this summer and he no longer was grasping onto me for dear life like last time.  He suddenly was a little fish in the water, "swimming" from me to the stairs and back, over and over and over.  I kept having flashes of that wonderful picture of Graham at the pool not much older than Nicholas, diving off the diving board all on his own.  I have a feeling that my little dare devil may pull some stunts much like his daddy did.  
Unfortunately, right before heading out to the pool, I managed to stub my toe and break it!  It hurts quite a bit and I'm hobbling around as best I can.  This is going to make chasing around my 2 year old even more fun (as well as "running" to the bathroom with morning sickness).  At least it was my left foot and I can still drive.  :)

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