Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Mini Graham

These days, Nicholas seems to get more and more fun with each day. His language is growing so much and it's just so amazing watching him learn and process new words and ideas. He can now count to 10 and sing or say his ABC's (it's definitely not perfect but he's saying it). He also loves to sing, despite his not so wonderful voice--hopefully that improves as his language does. But one of the cutest things that I enjoy witnessing is the little "mini-me" that Graham seems to be creating. It is adorable watching the two of them together. Of course long ago Graham taught Nick to say "Go Dawgs, Sic 'Em!" which Nick will instinctively say when he sees any football game, baseball game, UGA paraphernalia, or hears any song from Graham's Red Coat cd. But now, Graham has been able to "mold" him in many other ways. He's taught him the "knuckle tap." He taught him to play with Transformers and make the noise that Transformers make when they transform. To answer the question "What do Gators say?" with a loud "BOOOO!" When Graham puts on his Game Day or workout music and does some bootie shaking in the living room, Nicholas is right there beside him copying all of Daddy's moves. The past few evenings after dinner, the boys have taken to playing basketball and golf in the living room (it's quite hot outside these days) and Nick just can't get enough of this guy time. It's so sweet to see the bond that they have. Maybe someday I'll have a little mini-me as well? Hmm, I wonder what sort of things could I teach her to do.....

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