What a special week this was! I am so pleased to announce the birth of beautiful Caroline Coe Blackwell on Sunday, September 26th! We have been excitedly and prayerfully awaiting this day for so long! On Sunday morning as I was getting ready for church, I got a call from Holly telling me that her water had broke--the baby would be coming today! Because of a low platelet count, Holly was not going to be able to get an epidural so she waited out at home for 6 hours or so to get things progressing. But God is so faithful and when they got to the hospital she learned that He had answered our many prayers and her platelets were up and she was able to get an epidural!! Thank goodness because things were progressing pretty slowly and Holly was having back labor as well so she was in a lot of pain. After a long time of waiting (19 hours) Holly was finally ready to push! Less than an hour later, Caroline Coe was welcomed into the world! Things got pretty scary there for a while as Holly's platelets dropped during delivery and she was bleeding uncontrollably for an hour! Caroline also had a lot of mucus in her mouth and was having a little bit of trouble breathing. Finally the doctors got all of this under control and the family was able to meet their new precious addition! I am thrilled beyond words for the Blackwells and can't wait for lots of cuddle time with sweet Caroline! Graham and I did get to have a brief meeting with her in the hospital on Monday and I look forward to many more :)
Our celebrations have continued this week as Wednesday marked the one year anniversary of Butch's cancer diagnosis. What a year this has been for him and our family! A year of highs and lows, of physical, emotional, and spiritual transformations! God has healed Butch of the cancer in a miraculous way and Butch's body continues to heal from all that it has been through in this year. His strength and courage and positive attitude through it all has been an incredible inspiration to all who know and love Butch. And most importantly God has transformed his heart in an incredible way and his testimony is remarkable! We are so thankful for this year with Butch and for the many, many years to come! We love you with all our hearts Grandad!!
And lastly, for an update on the boys. Last Saturday Nicholas had his worst and best soccer game of the season. Worst because he was so upset and crying and refused to play for a long time. Best because once he finally got out there he scored not only his first goal, but he scored 3 goals!! Go NICK!
Nolan has had a busy milestones week. Each day he is closer and closer to fully crawling. He has worked so hard this week and rolls all around, army crawls, pushes backwards, and gets up on all fours and rocks like he's about to take off and race! Any day now he will be able to pick up that arm while up on all fours and crawl forward. I also discovered on Thursday night that he is finally cutting his first tooth! With all of this hard work that he has been doing this week, he's had no time to sleep! Instead of napping, he spends all of his time in his crib trying to crawl and he's waking up in the middle of the night a lot too. Hopefully we get through these things soon and he's back to his normal sleep routines. And let me just say, my sweet, calm baby that was content to just sit, is now into EVERYTHING. I am going to be in big trouble now keeping up with him!
Nicholas quote of the week:
Last night we went to Party City to get a Halloween costume for Nicholas. He stared at the huge wall full of possibilities and finally chose Woody from Toy Story. As we drove home he asked me what I am going to be for Halloween. I told him "I'm going to be Nicholas and Nolan's Mommy." His response "No mommy, they didn't have that one."
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