As September has quickly moved along and fall is now among us, we've gotten into a nice routine with the start of school and all of our activities. I find myself everyday being so thankful for God's blessings and Graham's hard work that allow me to be home with the boys each day to witness all of the ways they are growing and learning. There truly is no greater gift and no place else I would rather be. They are growing so much each day, it's amazing to watch.
Nolan is now 9 months old! He weighs 22 pounds 8 ounces (80th percentile, he gained 5 pounds in these 3 months!). He is getting more active each day and wants so badly to crawl. He scoots, he rolls, he reaches, he pulls up on me and through all that he manages to get around. But he is so anxious to crawl and frustrated that he just can't get his chubby body moving! We think it will be very soon and with it, I will be in big trouble! He is so curious and is already going for cords and outlets, remotes and laptops, and of course Nick's small toys. He loves clapping and can wave bye-bye and is "talking" so much. He says mama and dada and lots of sounds. And although he still has NO teeth, he's enjoying learning how to eat finger foods and is doing very well at feeding himself small pieces of food. He is an absolute joy to both Graham and Me and almost always has a smile. He's such a well behaved baby that I often get asked by others when we are out "Is he always this good/calm/laid back/happy?" How I love my little cuddlebug!
Sweet Nicholas has also been growing by leaps and bounds! I feel like I can actually hear the sparks going off in that wonderful brain of his, he is learning so much these days. He has a terrific teacher, Ms. Shefali and our little sponge is soaking it all up. Each week they are focusing on a letter of the alphabet and with this being week four, Nick can now recognize letters A, B, C, D, and N of course for Nicholas. I love how he points out the letters to me all day long as we go about our day. It's exciting for both of us to see where he will spot the letters as we are out and about. He's learning to cut, paint, color in the lines and even to begin to write his letters. He has made some wonderful artwork already. He continues to love reading of course and his memorization skills are growing too. He amazes me how he will memorize entire pages and books and recite them too me. I know that God will use these gifts and talents of his for wonderful things in his future--I can't wait to see in what ways! Nicholas has had a great time with soccer too. Tomorrow will be his 3rd game and he's had 4 practices so far. He loves it and is really good too but it's his first year and he's the youngest one on his team so the kids who are almost 4 and have played before are the ones making the goals. But Nick keeps running behind them and tries his hardest! Unfortunately he gets upset about silly things like playing with the other team's ball instead of theirs and not wanting to run through the tunnel at the end of the game (really?! do we have to cry about these silly things??) But we are so proud of him and how great he's doing! In other news, he's done great over the last few weeks with wearing underpants to bed and no longer requires a pull up :) The next thing we are starting to talk about is stopping or decreasing the thumb sucking habit. Not sure how well this one will go (stay tuned)!
I've included pictures of Nicholas with his good friend Cayden, the team huddled up--Go Team India!, Nolan at 9 months and my boys cheering on the dawgs!
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