Monday, October 7, 2013

Back to School. Oh snap, that was 2 months ago....

Alright, I know. I'm behind on the blog. Nothing new there. We hit the ground running in August and things haven't slowed down a bit. Thus is life and I love our life and am grateful for it all. So here's the update and some cute pictures of the last few months.
Nicholas has been blessed with a terrific 1st grade teacher this year and it's amazing to see how he is excelling already! I think we had the best Parent Teacher Conference ever! We are so proud of him! He is reading above grade level and started reading chapter books all on his own and is developing a love of reading. Yay!! While we were so proud to hear how well he is doing in his academics, I was most proud to hear that he is a leader in the classroom, a dear friend, and a role model to his peers. We couldn't be happier!

At the end of August, Nolan was very excited to head back to school this year. He is in a 3 year old 3 day program at our same preschool and loves going to school each day! I'm so thankful because this was not the case last year. In fact there are many days when it is not a school day that he begs to go to school. (I wonder if that's a reflection on our days at home...hmmm.) The little social guy that he is he has found a new best friend, Austin, and talks about him frequently. They have even already enjoyed a playdate. Nolan is so proud of his work that he brings home and loves to display his work around the house. He is working hard on learning his letters and it sounds like they do some pretty fun things like eat cookies (letter C), donuts (D), and french fries (F)! No wonder he loves it!
I love this series of pictures. So Nolan! And his proud self portrait--his first homework assignment.
Both boys are doing soccer this year and they love it! Nick is on a team with 6,7,and 8 year olds (making him the youngest of course) and the competition level has definitely increased after taking last year off. He's doing great though and really improves with each week. He loves it too which is the most important part after all. This is Nolan's first year and he is so cute and actually really good! He gets in there and gets after it. Takes after his big bro! Carting back and forth between practices and games is hard work but Miss V and I are enjoying our time on the sidelines.
And speaking of Miss V, she is on the move! Little Miss has started walking!! She'll take about 8 steps now before she falls and crawls or gets up and tries again. She'll be running very soon. She is in to everything and really keeps me on my toes. She continues to be such a sweetheart (with a little diva shining through every now and then;). She loves to wave to everyone these days. She's eating great and I think she's growing although the last time she was at the doctor was in August when she weighed 16 lbs 6 oz so I'm not sure what she weighs now. I'm having fun experimenting with her hair and welcome the challenge to learn all I need to. (Believe me, there's a lot to learn!) My days are filled with her therapy appointments, caseworker visits, and family visits. It's busy and I'll be thankful when things slow down a bit but I'm so thankful to be home with her and able to do it all (shout out to the hubby for always making that possible!!) Things with her case have gotten messy and challenging and it will all be culminating this Friday, BIG DAY! It has been hard and an emotional time but God has carried us through and my faith has grown incredibly as I find strength in Him for each day. I can't let my anxiety get ahead of the day we are in He has given me such peace in it all. I'm so thankful for this journey He has given us, challenges included. For it is truly in the struggles that the biggest growth is reached.
I have a million adorable pictures that I can't post here and this breaks my heart. Here are the very few that I can show now.
A few other random pictures to add:
Hopefully I'll be updating with good news soon and it won't be months till my next post!

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