Friday, April 19, 2013

The last 5 months

It's been a long time since I've updated my blog. That's definitely not because I haven't had things to say. It's partly because as a mom to three little ones now, I rarely have the time to sit and update my blog. But it also has a lot to do with our angel girl. For confidentiality reasons, we cannot post pictures of her and cannot tell certain details of her situation. It breaks my heart to not be able to share her beautiful face with the world. And she is so much a part of our family that it just doesn't seem right to post pictures without her in them. But at the same time I realize that I am missing out on recording the things that have been happening with our family during this time so it's time I update how our 2013 has been so far. And hopefully we will be able to put sweet pictures up of our Rosy girl soon (she has beautiful rosy cheeks). So I will start with an update on each of the kids and end with pictures of our happenings.

Nick continues to do excellent in school. He really loves it! He's reading great and does a great job with math too. And of course he's made tons of friends. In fact as I write this he's over playing with a school buddy for the first time. He is playing Tball for Newtown Park and is LOVING it! I think he's really talented too. He has such an attention for it and is always in position, never goofing off or playing in the dirt, etc. It is Tball and coach pitch. They rotate positions so they learn them all but he seems to do best at 1st base (in my opinion). He's good at catching the ball and tagging runners out. He just seems to have a natural ability for baseball! It's in his genes after all! And lastly I'll say that Nick is such a super big brother! He is head over heals in love with V and is always singing and talking to her (in this funny high pitched voice). He's great at making her laugh and a great helper to me. And he and Nolan are in such a great place now. They are finally playing together all the time and it is so cute to see them using their imaginations to play superheroes or star wars or legos or angry birds, etc! I can't wait for the summertime to see more of it.

Nolan turned 3 in December and at first I thought this was going to be a very challenging year for him. We revved up the potty training (afterall I had started potty training a year ago) and that seemed to only bring problems. We had to stop completely for about 2 months and then began again. When we did, he did awesome with No. 1 but not so much with No. 2. It was pretty rough there for a little while but I am so thrilled to report that Nolan has now mastered the potty!! We are so proud of him! He continues to do well at preschool 3 days a week. I think he would prefer to stay home with me everyday (or be with Nick at school) but he always has fun at school once he gets there. And he did very well with the transition of me no longer working there and staying home with V. Nolan is still the cutest little thing and is always making us laugh. I will forever adore his little voice and the cute things he says. And he just adores his big brother. One of his favorite things is to get to go meet Nicholas at the bus stop. He's usually napping when Nick gets home so I only let him stay up occasionally but it is so adorable to see his excitement for the bus and him run to give Nick a big hug! As for his interaction with V, he loves to give her kisses and wants to know where she is at all times but then he goes back to his play. He loves her so much too and loves to get down on her play mat with her but doesn't spend as much time talking to her as Nick does. He's got superheroes to play with after all!

Vera is doing wonderful! Actually I'd say she is thriving! I recently was looking back at the pictures of her at the hospital and when we first brought her home and I can't believe it's the same baby. She was the tiniest baby I'd seen in real life at 4 lbs 9 oz and now at 5 months she's a chubby little 13 lbs with rolls and everything! She is still the angel baby that she's always been and now her smiley happy personality has really come out! She continues to have bad reflux but hopefully will grow out of that soon. She sleeps 12 hours at night (usually, this week has been bad!) and is rolling over everywhere! Her physical therapist told me today that she is about one month ahead in her development! Praise the Lord! She loves her thumb and fingers and talks and squawks at us all the time. She sounds like a cross between a baby dinosaur and Chewbacca. It's hilarious! Soon she'll be starting baby food! It's going so fast! There's much more I wish I could say about her but I'll leave it at that. She is such a joy for our family! And let me just say, I'm having fun dressing up my baby doll!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back to the blog!!! Those last few pictures of Nolan are so funny! Such a little joker :)
