Tuesday, October 23, 2012

We are waiting people

We are waiting. Waiting in the carpool line, waiting for Nolan to be fully potty trained, waiting for the election to be over, waiting for the weekend, waiting, waiting, and more waiting. As Christians, we are waiting people. Waiting for Christ's return and when the pain of this world will no longer be felt.
"All around us we observe a pregnant creation. The difficult times of pain throughout the world are simply birth pangs. But it's not only around us; it's within us. The Spirit of God is arousing us within. We're also feeling the birth pangs. These sterile and barren bodies of ours are yearning for full deliverance. That is why waiting does not diminish us, any more than waiting diminishes a pregnant mother. We are enlarged in the waiting. We, of course, don't see what is enlarging us. But the longer we wait, the larger we become, and the more joyful our expectancy." Romans 8:22-25 MSG
And now we are waiting for The Call. Our home study is complete and we are approved foster parents! I am trying to be patient (even joyful) in my waiting but I will be honest that it has caused me some anxiety. I jump everytime the phone rings. The hard part is the not knowing when it will come or who it will be. It makes it challenging to plan for anything, not knowing if we will have a new child in our home. However these are minor inconveniences knowing that what I am really waiting for is a call that another family is broken. Everyday I am praying for this family that I do not yet know. Praying for this child that I will welcome into our home and love and care for. Praying that God will protect them in whatever crisis they are going through and they will feel Christ's love for them within their pain.
I continue to pray for God's perfect timing as only He knows the child that is meant to come into our lives. In the meantime we've been busy getting ready! The big news is that we bought a minivan! Yep, I am now a Minivan Mama and I never thought I would love it so much! I owe it all to my amazing husband who worked hard to find a great deal and not only that, he found one with all the bells and whistles too. Which will be great because I have a feeling we will be spending lots of time in the car. Because of this car we will be able to do the work of this ministry and for that I am so incredibly grateful!

The room is also ready thanks to very sweet friends who donated an awesome race car bed to us! We are so thankful to so many wonderful friends who have been so encouraging and supportive. Just one of the many, many blessings that God has given us in this process.
We've done some fun things as we wait too:
Went on a dinosaur hunt with Kaki

Served at a food pantry

Had a great trip to the Southeastern Train Museum

And learned to play the drums in a friends awesome basement studio

Please continue to pray for the children that God has called us to serve. The need is so great and there are so many families and children who are hurting. Until then, "I pray to God -- my life a prayer -- and wait for what he'll say and do. My life's on the line before God, my Lord, waiting and watching till morning, waiting and watching till morning." Psalm 130:5-6 MSG

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