Summer has come and gone! How does this happen so quickly?! It was a great one! While we didn't do any traveling this summer, it was still jam packed with fun and great memories! I started working at the preschool, helping out with the summer camps. The boys came along with me and loved every minute of it. Especially Nolan who was so proud to finally be going to school like his big brother!
I really enjoyed working with the kids and it was a great way to get my feet wet for my next adventure that will be starting this fall--teaching at the preschool! I'll be teaching the babies, 2 days a week, with my friend Stacey. More on that to come.
In between camps we took a break for VBS--exhausting but amazing! It was so wonderful to be with these 500+ children as they learn all about God's promises for their lives. And even more amazing that 2 months later, Nicholas reminded me of the things we learned and applied it to what we were discussing, "Remember mom, always Trust God." Makes it all worth it!
When we weren't in camp or VBS, we were typically having tons of fun with friends. Holly and I had an incredible time at the Lady Antebellum concert thanks to our sweet hubbies!
There was lots of time spent with both sets of grandparents and lots of time in the pool. Nicholas is a fish in the water! Swimming the length or width of the pool and jumping off the diving board! The boys spent weekends with the grandparents...
While Graham and I ventured to Ikea to buy some new furniture...
We played lots of games and puzzles
Spent time outside...
And did arts and crafts...
We even learned how to do more chores and earn an allowance...
And we had many great meals with friends and family...
Lastly, Graham took a day off and we had a great day down at the Aquarium! What an amazing place! It was Graham's first visit and it'd been a long time for the rest of us. We saw the dolphin show which was great and enjoyed the rest of the exhibits.
Well that's basically our summer in pictures. It was low-key but jam-packed! More than anything this summer I feel like I just took it all in and enjoyed this time with my boys. I feel that more than anything I realize how short my time is with them and treasure each day to its fullest. That almost makes this big step into kindergarten that much harder because we enjoyed these long days together so much. I actually think that the one who is going to have the hardest time with school starting is going to be Nolan. He won't know what to do without his best friend, hero, and big brother by his side all day long. Open House is tomorrow night where we find out his teachers, class mates and all the other important info! Kindergarten here we come! Can somebody please pass the tissues....
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