Let me catch you up on what I've missed blogging about these months... For Spring Break, Mom, Ashley, Carol, Kristin and myself met in NYC for an amazing girl's trip!! It was such an incredible trip, just nothing but fun--great food, shopping, seeing the sights, great Broadway shows, an amazing hotel room, and wonderful memories with my favorite girls! I was so thankful for the opportunity to go on the trip. Graham, Butch, and Kathy were so kind to have the boys while I was gone and I know they all had so much fun too! Nicholas started Weeball (Tball) and was a natural! He loved the game and was so good at it too! Even though he was one of the youngest on the team of 3, 4, and 5 year olds, he was probably one of the most focused and into it. We were so proud of him! We were excited to celebrate Grandad's birthday in April by meeting everyone in Athens for the G-Day Spring game! The day would have been great fun except poor Nolan got sick with a fever so I had to leave early and come back home with him (he turned out to have Roseola). But everyone else had a great time at the game (Nicholas' first time to Sanford Stadium!) then having a picnic on North campus and ringing the victory bell! Easter was a wonderfully blessed occasion again this year as we celebrated our Risen Lord. Nicholas had some fun Easter activities at school and we did an Easter Egg hunt with our Sunday School Class. Our church service and the time spent with family were very special as well. The best part of Easter this year was how much Nicholas understands and sharing the story of Christ's resurrection with him. His favorite song that he continues to sing everyday even now is "Happy Happy Easter, Jesus is Risen". We also made big changes to our house in April and had repairwork done and had the house painted! I love the changes and think it really gave the house a makeover! Graham has worked so hard on getting the yard to look beautiful and I've even gotten into planting flowers and a small vegetable garden. As for the boys, Nolan definitely entered into a challenging phase! I know I ate my words from my previous blog in March about how wonderful things were. He is in to absolutely everything and his most favorite thing in the world to do is to terrorize his brother! He beats up on Nicholas all day long and sweet Nicholas never lays a hand on him. Nolan pokes him in the eye, hits him, bites him, takes his cups, etc. He's also a climber and has learned how to climb on our bed and all the living room furniture. He learned how to open doors and he loves getting into all of the things in the bathroom and kitchen cabinets. He is the biggest ham too! He has the most adorable smile that he is always flashing at us and is always trying to get us to laugh. He loves finding any clothes around the house and putting them on his head and walking around laughing (this includes underwear and my bathing suit!!). He loves bags and baskets, anything with a handle that he can put on his arm and shoulder and he walks around the house saying "Byebye Mama" over and over--it's adorable! But even with all this craziness he remains to be my cuddlebug and is still always wanting me to hold him so he can lay his head on my shoulder. I spend every evening cooking one handed with my 28 pound cuddlebug in my arms! Nicholas is in an amazing phase these days. As he gets closer and closer to 4, it just gets better. He talks and talks nonstop about everything and just loves all that he has learned at school. It's been incredible watching him grow and learn along with him!
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