So while most of May has been spent sick at home, I do have a couple of things to post for May. The biggest event being the end of the school year complete with music program and class parties. I can't say enough wonderful things about Nick's teachers and class this year. He loved every minute of it and learned and grew SOOO much! He made so many close friends and his teachers, Ms. Shefali and Ms. Jami are so special to him. I am so thankful for such a great year! Thankfully Nicholas was feeling well enough to head back to school on the day of the Music Program. He did so great up there singing 5 songs! He loves music and singing so much and he sings these songs all the time at home but it was wonderful to see him up there singing so loud with all the hand motions included. They sang "His Banner Over Me is Love", "My Father's House", "Happy, Happy Easter", "I am wonderfully made", and "The Goodbye Song". I have never been able to upload videos directly to this blog for some reason so I decided to post the videos to youtube so check out these two links to see Nicholas singing. The first is a short song that his class sang to the parents before his Easter Egg Hunt and the second is the music program. Enjoy!
The next day we threw an end of the year field day party. It was lots of fun with all different games and outdoor stations. I manned the bubbles and then the face painting. It was super messy but tons of fun. The hardest part was managing Nolan during this entire time. He spent the entire time running from the field back to the school and it was a group effort with all the parents who helped me to chase after him and keep him corralled while I sat painting kids faces. After the games all of the families were invited for a picnic lunch. It was nice to spend some tine with all of the different families that I have gotten to know this year. Sadly, Nicholas missed his last day of school because he was sick but I'm glad he got to participate in the party and program.
I also wanted to post a picture of our house makeover and the sweet baby cardinal that was born right outside our back deck. Unfortunately it was a very bad nest location and Baxter spent his days tormenting the nest and Graham eventually had to move it but I got some good shots with my great zoom on my camera. And just a few minutes ago I discovered that they have laid a new nest full of 3 eggs in my hanging ferns out front so hopefully those babies will make it out all right.
Lastly, I have to share pictures of precious Mady at her 3 year old birthday party from last week. She was the perfect princess and we had so much fun at her music party! I can't believe she is already 3! How time flies!