On Thursday morning we packed up the car and headed out for Disney. We were headed down for the weekend for Kari Wiedenbeck's wedding. Things got off to a bit of a rocky start as Graham got a horrible migraine headache right in the middle of our 7 hour drive to Orlando. He says that it was no coincidence that he felt at his absolute worst as we drove through Gainesville, FL. This migraine was so bad and the poor guy was stuck in a car for 7 hours with a 1 year old and 3 year old behind him. While there were some crying moments for Nolan, thankfully they were minimal. Graham started to feel a little relief by the time we made it to the beautiful Swan Hotel at Disney. We decided to stay behind at the hotel that night and not join the family out to dinner in order to make sure Graham was feeling all better. So we took the boys around and explored the beautiful hotels and the pool and game areas. That night we learned very quickly that all 4 of us sleeping in one room was going to be quite a challenge. Graham and I had to go to bed at the same time as the boys but Nolan still cried for a couple of hours until I finally brought him in to bed with Nicholas and me. Nolan spent the night rolling on top of his brother and me, kicking us, hitting us, and playing with our faces. Nicholas slept right through it. I did not.
The next day I joined the ladies at the Bridesmaid Luncheon and the guys and PopPop went to the Disney Boardwalk and ate at ESPNZone. Nicholas enjoyed playing some fun games there. That night while the rest of the family went to the Rehearsal dinner, our family of 4 went swimming at the pool, walked around the Boardwalk, rode a boat back to the hotel and then ate dinner. That night of sleep managed to be worse than the first as Nicholas coughed all night long in his sleep which kept waking Nolan up. I spent most of the night holding Nolan in a chair.
Saturday we had a Character breakfast in the hotel with Goofy and Pluto. Nicholas was so excited about meeting them and I was so proud of Nolan for not crying! Then Nicholas and I went swimming at the beautiful pool while Nolan napped in the room. Poor Graham spent much of the time there in a blacked out room while Nolan napped! That afternoon the babysitter arrived to watch the boys in the hotel while we went to the wedding. The wedding was so beautiful and I'm so glad that we were able to be there for it. I was quite emotional through the whole thing and couldn't stop crying! It was a great party too with wonderful food. Aunt Betsy did a wonderful job in her toast and blessing to the new couple, I know that must not have been easy to do on her own without Uncle Dick. Kari and Scott make such a cute couple and I know they will be very happy. The party was lots of fun but Graham and I ducked out to get back to the kiddos. They did very well for the babysitter thankfully!
On Sunday we packed up and headed home. We were all so exhausted after 3 nights of no sleep for Graham and me and poor Nolan was so frustrated in that hotel room with no space to walk around and none of his toys to play with. The drive home was a long one as Nolan cried for a while. But we made it home and boy was Nolan so glad to get home. He was so happy to be able to walk around and play with his toys, it was so funny to see! Nicholas had a great time on the trip, and while Graham and I did too, it was very nice to get back to home sweet home.
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