Friday, October 30, 2009

Life with boys

I just have to share 2 funny stories from the past two days of my "boys". Yesterday I was vacuuming the house. Like always, I moved the kitchen chairs into the kitchen to vacuum under the table. Nicholas spent a while "helping" me and following me around like he normally does. After a while though, I realized that I hadn't seen Nicholas or Baxter for awhile and went to investigate. As I turned the corner of the kitchen, I found Nicholas standing on one of the chairs by the counter. His arms were holding Baxter, who was standing on top of the kitchen counter finishing off a pan of brownies that were on top of the microwave!! It was straight out of one of Nick's books, "Bad Dog Marley!" While Nicholas could have been trying to get Baxter off of the counter, it looked a lot like he was holding him up there and helping him get a snack!
Then today, I was cooking myself some much needed (and craved) homemade chicken soup in order to soothe my cold. Nicholas and Baxter were playing throughout the house while I was chopping veggies. I was pouring the chopped veggies into the large soup pot when all of a sudden Baxter's ball comes flying and lands right in the pot on top of the veggies! I was stunned, and couldn't believe my eyes. Of course the one time that Nicholas has perfect aim is straight into my soup that I had worked so hard on! Thankfully there was no broth in the pot yet and I claimed the 1 second rule ;) And I have to say, the soup was delicious.
I can only imagine that these are just a few of the numerous stories I am going to be collecting over the years with my THREE boys--and for those of you that know Baxter, you know that he very much counts as a third boy!

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