The past couple days, I've had a lot to report on our blog, however no time to do it. I overworked myself last week doing things around the house and getting Nick's room ready and I really paid for it. I found myself exhausted and aching a lot. When I went to see my midwife on Wednesday she was concerned and said that I really needed to rest and slow down. Therefore, I've been taking her advice and napping when Nick naps and going to bed early--so I've had no time to blog! Another thing my midwife discussed with me was the option to induce delivery at 39 weeks if we choose. Because Nicholas was such a large baby for my frame, they want to avoid that with Nolan. I will get an ultrasound at 36 weeks to check his weight and then we will most likely induce on Monday 12/28. While I hope inducing won't make my delivery more difficult, we feel like having Nolan the last week in December is best for both of our families and hope that both sets of grandparents may get to visit that week and meet our new addition. 10 weeks to go, I can't believe it!
Friday evening, we decided to take Nicholas to Monkey Joes (a bouncy, jumpy place). We've taken him there one other time a long time ago and I don't think he remembered it. It took him a while to warm up and he spent at least the first 20 minutes just walking around staring in amazement and would not go into the jumpers. Finally after some encouragement, he finally agreed and caught on quickly and had a great time. If there was a bigger kid in the same jumper he would copy everything they did, it was very cute. Sweet Graham got a great workout himself going through all the different jumpy things and slides to help Nick as he was too small to do a lot of them on his own. What a great Daddy!
That night, Nicholas moved into his new room for the first time! The transition has been so easy, it's incredible. He did not even make a peep that night and when I checked on him hours later he hadn't moved an inch from where I had left him. He's done fabulously with naps too! He has always been a wonderful sleeper but it seems he's doing even better in his bed! He sleeps later, until after 8 am now, and has been taking 3 and 4 hour naps!! And he tells me that he really likes his Big Boy Bed.
On Sunday my sweet friend and neighbor, Kim, through me a wonderful baby shower. It was small, with only 8 of us, but it was perfect. It was wonderful to have some time to focus on Nolan and to get some special new things for him. Everything always seems to be about Nicholas these days so I really enjoyed the chance to celebrate our sweet baby. We played a few fun baby shower games, had some yummy food, had good conversation, and opened presents. :)
Lastly, today Nicholas and I went to the library to return books, get new ones, and sit for story time. He's been very much into the library these days and loves to check out movies and books at the library! And he loved the sing along and story time! It was one of those moments where I so enjoyed watching his face light up as he sang the songs and did the hand motions. It's days like these that I am so thankful that I am so blessed to be home with him and experience him growing and learning.