What a difficult week we have had dealing with various family health issues. We have spent this week on our knees in prayer and drawing close with our Lord. And in His perfect timing, God sent us a reminder today of his faithfulness, love, and grace. And it literally arrived on our doorstep! Graham's book, Hero's Tribute, arrived today! He received 50 copies and they are oh so beautiful :) This day has been so anticipated and dreamed about over these years. And I think that it is fitting, in light of the book's theme and message, that when this day has finally come, the Lord has shifted our mindset and priorities so that we are focused on the love we have for each other, our wonderful family members, and our precious Lord and Savior. My prayer for the book has always been that God would get the glory and that we would be focused on "success" for God's Kingdom. I am so proud of Graham and all he has accomplished. And I know this is just the beginning too! So, Graham, as you embark on this new, exciting adventure as a published author, I am so honored to be by your side for the journey, cheering you on every step of the way!
Books will be in stores very soon! Be sure to get your copy or order online on Amazon. And we are so thankful to everyone for your love and support!
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