How can I even begin to put into words my love for each one of you. It seems like an impossible task.
Graham, you are the husband God knew I was always meant to have. I am in awe and so grateful for your godly leadership of our family. Thank you for listening to that still, small voice that led our family on this journey and brought us our girl. Thank you for always working so hard. Not only in your job but in all walks of your life--in our marriage, as a father, and in your faith life. Our wedding song "You Move Me", will always apply in ways you could never know. You move me to do better, be better, and seek more. I love you and this sweet family you have blessed me with.
Nicholas, my sweet, sweet boy. You made me a mommy and forever stole my heart. I couldn't be more proud of the amazing young man you have become. Your character and sweet personality, your faith and love for others, and your desire to always do the right thing--you are more than we could ever dream of! Thank you for being the best big brother to your brother and sister. Thank you for opening your heart and our home to share with your new sister. You teach them both new and wonderful things each day. How to be kind and loving, how to say new words, and throw a ball, learn the alphabet, the list goes on and on. What a gift you are to us all!
Nolan, my forever cuddly bear. Oh that face that melts my heart! Seeing you as a big brother has been an incredible thing. You were always meant to be a big brother. How you take care of your sister and stand up for her when she needs protecting. You are always carrying her around (even when I tell you not to) and longing to hug and hold your sister (the cuddly bear in you after all). The first words out of Vera's mouth each morning are usually "Nolan?" as she can't wait to get out to see you. I love seeing the bond between you two. And oh the bond of brothers, best friends. May you two always be as close as you are now. It may get loud around here, but boy is it fun! And you cutie pie, are always adding laughter and smiles to our home. What a gift you are to us all!
Vera Kate, my dancing girl. Will you ever know how you have transformed our family? Your name means "pure faith". Fitting as our path to you was nothing but faith. Trusting in God for the best for you and for our family. And that whatever that might be that it would bring Glory to God. I am forever grateful that this path brought you to our family, FOREVER. You are our daughter, and sister, forever. It's so good to say those words. You have brought so much dancing and laughter and joy and life into our home. You have opened our eyes up to the world around us; to children and families in need. You've given us a purpose and a calling that is bigger than ourselves. You've made us a multiracial family and given us an education we'd never receive in a classroom. All this in your tiny little body, your young little life. No wonder you sleep so well, dear one. Oh daughter of mine, what a gift you are to us all!
I will never understand how God could have gifted me with the blessing of you four to love and care for. But I will spend my days seeking to live up to the honor of it all.