Lately I have been feeling like Nolan has made it his personal calling to indoctrinate me into life as a Mom of boys. It almost feels like I didn't have a boy until Nolan came along. Don't get me wrong, Nicholas loves cars, trains, Transformers, and trucks as much as any other boy, but he's such a sweetheart and a pleaser and doesn't like to get messy, so I really don't have any crazy "boy" stories with him (that I can think of). Essentially, he's a first-born to a T. Now along comes Nolan and I feel like I have a new crazy or disgusting story each day! It started probably 7 months ago, when Nolan was just 1, when it was Nolan who started to loudly pass gas and then laugh, teaching his older brother the art of the fart joke! In fact, Nicholas didn't even know the word for passing gas (or farting, toot, bottom burp, or barking spiders as some have been known to refer to it). All he knew was that whenever that would occur I would say to him "Say excuse me". So I cracked up when one day, sitting at the lunch table the boys entered into a contest if you will, and Nicholas laughed and turned to me and said, "My excuse me was louder than Nolan's excuse me!"
Now I have mentioned on here how Nolan likes to keep me on my toes and is always into everything. Well about a month ago he added the toilet to that list! It started out with him playing in the water--gross!! And one time I caught him at the last second before he dunked my hair brush into the toilet! But the grossest thing yet happened the day after we got back from the beach. We were all hanging out in our bedroom when Nolan went into our bathroom and closed the door behind him. He was in there for a mere 30 seconds before coming out and coming over to me. I touched his head to realize that he was soaking wet. I couldn't imagine how it happened and went to investigate, only to find water splashed all over the toilet seat. Somehow he had managed to dunk his head and shoulders in the toilet!! Thankfully he has not touched the toilet since then and I hope his interest has waned.
Last week I added yet another wonderful story to my list as I was changing his diaper. As I was putting some diaper cream on him, he loudly passes gas (I promise this is not the only thing my child does, it just happens to be incorporated in all of these wonderful stories) and thought it was the funniest thing ever. So of course during the next diaper change he decides to recreate the humorous moment. He strains to do so but is unsuccessful, instead he manages to force himself to pee all over me! I start screaming and telling him no, which only makes him laugh and try harder. He peed on me 3 times before I managed to get a dry diaper on him! He continued to try to do this at the next few diaper changes but thankfully I was able to avoid the spray ;) I can only imagine the stories that I will add to this colorful list as he grows!
Over the weekend, Nicholas fully embraced his boyhood on his special alone weekend with Grandad and Kaki. He had such a wonderful time swimming in the pool and the hot tub, playing at their house, and going to Chuck E. Cheese. But the most exciting parts of the whole weekend were catching toads in the pool and going walking on a trail with Grandad where he taught him how to shoot a BB gun and they even saw a cow skull (and shot at it). I know he made so many wonderful memories during that special time with them. And back at home, we enjoyed our rare one-on-one time with Nolan. We had a low key weekend but Graham did enjoy taking him to Catch Air while I hosted a baby shower at the house.
Despite the craziness, or probably even because of it, I love everything about my wild boys!