March has always been my favorite month, being my birthday and anniversary month, but this March has been really special this year. Graham and I celebrated our 7 year anniverary yesterday and tomorrow brings my 30th birthday. As I enter into this new decade in my life, I am overcome with gratitude for the life I lead and the blessings God has given me. My twenties were wonderful--I fell in love, graduated college, started my career in social work, got married, became a mommy twice over, made many wonderful friendships, and had so many wonderful memories. Of course there were hard times too, but it was through those times that God's love shined even brighter, and I am thankful even for those hard times. But I am looking forward to my thirties with great expectancy of what God will do in my life and the life of my family during these years. I have to say that I have felt God's hand on my life more so in these past three months than I can ever remember. It's not in one particular way that these 3 months have been different, but rather in a million different ways that God is showing me that he is transforming me in ways that I don't yet understand. The wonderful thing is that I see this in Graham's life too and it is so exciting to be a part of. I'm living in a state of expectancy now, excited for what He has in store for us.
Life with the boys has been particularly sweet these days. Nolan is just so much fun. He's not yet at the point of tantrums and other challenges that come as you get closer to 2, but yet he's not a "baby" any more either and he's just plain fun! He and Nicholas have so much fun playing and laugh all day long at each other. He's into everything and I can't keep the house clean, but that's the stage he's in. I love that he is still so cuddly and loves to snuggle up with his head on my shoulder. I pray that lasts for a long time!
Nicholas is in such a great stage now and it just keeps getting better the closer we get to 4. He has such a sweet heart and really tries hard to do the right thing. The poor guy was really tested last week though! At home, Nolan twice came up to him with a golf club and banged him on the head. Nicholas cried but did not do anything back to him in anger. On Wednesday while playing in the church nursery while I was at my "Growing Kids God's Way" class, a little girl bit him! It was just about time for the mommies to come so Nicholas told the other little girl, Katie, that it was time to clean up and they need to stop playing with the train table and get ready for their moms to come (is he a first born or what?). Well Katie didn't like that one bit, so she bit him on the arm. Thankfully it didn't break the skin but it did leave a bad bruise in the impression of Katie's entire set of teeth. Poor Nicholas was so scared and upset by this but he never did anything back to hurt her, instead he went up to her sobbing and told her he was sorry! Then on Friday at school, his two little buddies hit him in the stomach and scratched him. Again, he never did anything back to them in anger and was very proud to report that he did the right thing and was a friend to them. We are so proud of him for the little boy he is and how much he's growing and understanding. I think one of my favorite things of parenting is sharing our faith with him and seeing him start to understand biblical concepts and God's love. He has a heart for God and I can't wait to see what God will do in and through him.
So here's to March and the blessings it brings (if only it didn't come with pollen too!)
Monday, March 28, 2011
Friday, March 4, 2011
Frogs and Snails and Puppy Dog Tails

I have a confession to make.
I did not want to be a mom of boys. At least I didn't when I was younger. Growing up, we embraced everything "girl" and this was exactly how I wanted things to be. Boys were smelly, dirty, loud and wild and crazy. I had no interest in any car, train, truck, or toy gun. And being the girly girl that I was I often thought about being a mom in my future and never once did I think that I would be a "boy mom".
Luckily I grew up and met and fell in love with an amazing man and the thought of little Graham's running around our house became really cute to me. Even so, the "It's a Boy Ultrasound" definitely threw me for a loop! Fast forward 4 years and I now have, not one, but two adorable boys who I could not be more in love with. Add the hubby and the beagle to the mix and that makes me the lone female in this crazy house of boys. Now, am I just coming to this realization now you ask? Of course not, but what I am beginning to understand is how much I love my life exactly the way it is right now and how God knew best all along exactly what I needed. How many other amazing gifts in my life have I passed up because I thought that I knew best? I am sure that if God had given me the chance to pick the gender on that day in the doctor's office 4 years ago, I would have chosen a girl. And I would have missed out on these amazing boys that light up my world each and every day. These crazy wrestling, jumping, running, laughing, squealing, tickling, hugging, kissing, cuddling, love-me-like-no-one-else-can boys. God knew he needed someway to get this indoor loving, play-it-safe girl, out into His beautiful creation, embracing some adventure every once and while. And I have a feeling, my boys will get the job done. I find myself looking forward to watching all of their sports practices and games and going camping or canoeing or anything I can to embrace their "boyhood".
I look at them each day and am overcome by the possibilities their lives hold. I could be changing the diaper of a future doctor, teacher, pastor or athlete. Or reading books and tucking into bed an astronaut (as he currently wishes to be), congressman, comedian, or missionary. I don't care what their profession is, just that they would be strong Godly men, amazing husbands and fathers, just like their daddy. Only God knows their future, but what a humbling journey it is to be their mother and to try everyday to instill in them faith, love, and some manners ;) While all along they are teaching me more than they will ever know. And this weeks lesson happens to be: Mommy may not always know best, but God ALWAYS does!
I happened upon this poem last night that says it perfectly!
That Little Boy of Mine
Two eyes that shine so bright,
Two lips that kiss goodnight,
Two arms that hold me tight,
That little boy of mine.
No one could ever know how much your coming has meant.
Because I love you so, you're something heaven has sent.
You're all the world to me.
You climb upon my knee.
To me you'll always be,
That little boy of mine.
By Grace Wolgemuth
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