Things are starting to get back to normal around here after a very strange and wonderful week of snow and ice. The weatherman had given us all lots of warning that the snow was going to come and of course everyone swarmed to the grocery store to clear out all of the bread and milk. The Governor declared it a state of emergency and schools were cancelled--all before the first snow flake appeared!! But low and behold the weatherman actually got it right this time and it really did snow--a lot! It started late Sunday night and came very fast. In a mere 20 minutes, everything was covered and sticking. And it just kept snowing hard! Of course everyone was on the edge of their seats, watching the crazy news, watching the windows, and Facebook was lit up like crazy with activity and pictures of the snow. We went to bed that night after being glued to the news and woke Monday morning to 6 inches of snow! No one was going anywhere for a while. In fact for the whole week. The problem was that the snow kept freezing and turning into ice each night and temps never made it over freezing during the day. We actually still have a lot of snow and ice in our front yard and driveway, 8 days later!
So with no place to go, our family had a truly wonderful week of staying home and being together. It was so nice having Graham home with us all week! We had fun playing in the snow everyday. We even put the boys in our laundry baskets as makeshift sleds and slid them down the street! Nicholas loved it but Nolan actually had no reaction at all. No smiles but no tears either. I had fun doing lots of cooking (and we all did lots of eating). We watched movies and home videos and played with lots of toys. I also got so motivated to clean and organize the house! We ventured out once to the grocery store on Wednesday and then on Thursday we met some friends at Burger King to play. On Friday Mimi and PopPop ventured out and came over and we went out to dinner. Saturday we joined Mimi and PopPop again at Discover Mills and had fun shopping at Bass Pro Shop (Nicholas loves looking at the huge fish there and the waterfalls), having lunch, and shopping. Then the boys played glow in the dark PuttPutt golf while me and Mimi and Nolan shopped.
The ice and snow are almost gone but it sure was fun and I'm thankful for all the memories we made!