Once again, this cold season hit our home hard. Myself and the boys spent the entire month of November, plus a few days, very sick with bad colds and sinus infections. At least one or all 4 of us were sick the entire month--myself and Nolan getting it the longest. Therefore, this blog has been long neglected. Even though we were sick for so long, there were some events that we did manage to attend.
So here's what we've been up to:
Halloween was a great week of fun which was wonderful since every Halloween we've had so far has been spent with Nicholas very sick. We went to Trunk or Treat at a church that I had taken Nicholas to last year. This was Graham's (and Nolan's) first time as Graham was in Nashville with his dad last year. Even though Nicholas was only 2 last year, he totally remembered it and was talking all about the train that he hoped to see again. Because of bad weather they moved the Trunk or Treating inside. It was craziness but lots of fun. Nicholas (otherwise known as Woody) knew exactly what to do this time and got tons of candy. And he found the model train, which was even bigger this year, and Nick was mesmorized. Nolan, I mean Mickey Mouse, spent the whole time watching the craziness from his stroller. I know next year he'll be jumping right in!
Then Trick or Treating on Halloween night was so much fun! Nicholas totally had it down from the beginning and went running from house to house--he did a great job using his manners too! It was so much fun seeing all of our cute neighbors throughout the neighborhood--we even came across a Big Woody! Nolan once again was such a trooper, just along for the ride in his Mickey Mouse costume in the stroller.
The first weekend in November we spent a weekend in a cabin in Helen with Mimi, PopPop, Aunt Ashley and Uncle Jay, celebrating Mimi and PopPop's birthdays! It was such a special weekend! We had a beautiful cabin with an AWESOME game room that Nicholas couldn't get enough of! We enjoyed the mountains, did some shopping, had some great food, watched lots of football and had a fabulous time together.
Next came Nick's Thanksgiving Feast and Thanksgiving party at preschool. As room mom I had lots to do to plan and organize these parties, including making the entire class's costumes along with one other mom (quite stressful when you are sick and have a sick baby but it all was pulled off). They all looked so cute and Graham, Nolan, Ashley, and I were able to enjoy the feast with Nicholas at school.
Thanksgiving was spent at Grandad and Kaki's and while it was so nice to be there, unfortunately we had two very sick boys on our hands. I was so thankful to have Grandad and Kaki to help take care of them though. And while Nicholas basically slept his way through the holiday, the rest of us had such a wonderful dinner at the Newman's home. And they were so kind to invite Mom and Dad and Papa to join everyone. It was so wonderful having both sides of the family together!