It's quite sad that it takes me so long to get back to my blog and update it. I finally got on sometime last week and was able to write the following and then Nolan woke up and I was interrupted and never got to finish. It's now a week later and I'm just now getting back! So hear is my post from last week:
We've had a great start to our summer so far! Nicholas finished up school with a wonderful end of the year program. He did a great job singing--I could definitely hear his voice above the rest! He knew all of the words and motions for all of the songs! His teachers have remarked, and we have recognized for a while now, how he has a great ear for music and learns and recognizes songs so quickly. Now his singing voice leaves a little to be desired but it's still beautiful music to me! :) Mimi, Papa, Nolan, and myself came to see his program and I think it was very exciting for him. My favorite part was as soon as they finished singing, Nicholas yelled "There's my Mommy!" about 3 times just as everyone went silent! He had such a wonderful first year of school and had two wonderful teachers, Ms. Stephanie and Ms. Sheri. I am so grateful that his first year was such a success! He learned so much and grew up to be such a big boy!
We've spent the past two weekends going up to Grandad and Kaki's home. With the new pool and playground it is absolutely gorgeous up there and we can't stay away. They might have to start putting restrictions on us! This weekend we'll be heading back up for a Birthday pool party for Mady and Nicholas! Update: We had a great birthday pool party! Nicholas had so much fun playing with his cousins in the pool and with his new toys. By the end of the pool time he was swimming around on his own in the pool with his floaties on! The kids decorated cupcakes and had a blast eating all of the candy toppings.
We've also been spending tons of time playing outside with neighbors and enjoying not having a school schedule. Yesterday (a week ago) we went to the sprayground (water playground) and played in the water, had a picnic, and played on the playground. Then I stopped at a produce stand on the way home and got lots of fresh fruits and veggies for us and for Nolan as I'm starting to make him his first foods!
Nolan is getting so big these days! He's so much fun and loves to laugh and bounce and jump and roll. His jumperoo is his favorite thing! He's been eating rice cereal with some applesauce for over 2 weeks now. He's just worked up to having it 3 times a day. Tomorrow I plan to introduce sweet potatoes. (Update: He loves sweet potatoes and summer squash too!) Unfortunately, we are in the process of weaning from breastfeeding. This has been so sad for me but I'm losing my milk supply and after 3 months of struggling, I just can't fight it anymore. It's very odd for me to be giving him formula but it makes him happy because he was so hungry with just the breastmilk. So if my baby is happy, then I am too. At this point I'm still nursing him in the mornings and then as the day goes on I have to give him more bottles as my milk dwindles. I suspect that in a few more days my milk will be totally gone. (Update: Still hanging on with a couple of feedings a day.) But despite this, Nolan has managed to put on quite a bit of weight it seems and he's getting so big! He's got super chunky thighs and a round face now. His hair is long and wavy (almost curly) but only on top which makes it look a little funky but I love it. It's also really lightening up. His eyes are still blue but almost have a little green in them. He's super ticklish and loves to giggle! Unfortunately he's still not a good sleeper. He slept through the night 2 nights last week but those are the only times that has happened. Each night I hold out hope though.
And lastly I just have to share this hilariously adorable picture of Nicholas going potty. I know, how awful of me, but I just can't resist. I am convinced that it is ingrained in men to read while going to the bathroom as he demands a book every time he is using the potty even though we never suggested a book to begin with. So funny!