Well, it has been quite a while since I've posted. My blog has been so very neglected recently. I will try to catch up on all of the events and pictures I have missed in the last month.
Butch's Birthday
On April 16th we went down to Peachtree City to celebrate Butch's birthday. We started out the morning by watching Trip's Tball game. It was so adorable to watch him play ball--and he was great at it too! Nicholas of course loved it and wanted to join in the game but enjoyed playing catch with Daddy and Grandad instead. Afterwards we went back to Aunt Lauren's house for pizza, cake and presents. It was a very special birthday celebration for a very special man. After such a difficult year, it was such a joyous occasion to celebrate Grandad's birthday.
Nolan's Baptism
On April 25th, Nolan was baptized at church. It was a wonderful day and celebration! It was amazing the difference between the baptisms of our two boys. First for Nicholas, he screamed throughout the entire time he was in the sanctuary. Then as we stepped up to the front of the altar, he broke my beautiful blue beaded necklace and beads flew everywhere. While my family was on their hands and knees picking up beads, I stood there panicking with a screaming baby. Then when Pastor Steve held him up and told him he was a beautiful child of God, Nicholas puked all over him! As soon as I had Nicholas back in my arms I ran out of the sanctuary! I was out the door while Pastor Steve was still talking about Nicholas!
Nolan's experience couldn't have been more different. He was an absolute angel. He sat peacefully in my arms and Aunt Ashley's arms during worship beforehand and enjoyed the music. He never cried once and Pastor Steve even held him up and gave him a chance to follow in his big brother's footsteps and puke on him, but he never did. He then lasted the entire rest of the service, even during the sermon, without making a peep!! Nicholas has never done that in his life and yet we are able to bring Nolan into church with us every week. What a difference two brothers can be! After the church service we all went back to Mom and Dad's house for a lunch and it was wonderful! The food was delicious and it was wonderful to have all of the family and special friends there to celebrate God's gift of our precious baby. He even did great during the party too! He received some very special gifts as well. It was a blessed day!
Mother's Day
This was an incredible mother's day thanks so much to my wonderful husband. On Friday, Graham took me out for a surprise Mother's Day date. He planned everything and I had no clue what we were doing! He took me to the Forum and we had reservations at Grace 17:20, an amazingly delicious restaurant. It was such a nice evening and we sat outside, enjoyed terrific food, wine, music, and each other's company. It's amazing how having an uninterrupted conversation is such a luxury these days! After dinner Graham handed me some cash and told me to go on a shopping spree!!! I couldn't believe it! I spent my entire spree in one store and bought 2 dresses, a necklace and earrings. It was SO nice to try on clothes and actually buy something for me! Afterwards we came home and watched Avatar. On Sunday, I got some really sweet cards from the boys and opened Nick's gift that he made at school--a precious flower pot decorated by him with seeds to plant in it. We went to church and Sunday School and then over to Mom and Dad's house for lunch and to celebrate Mimi. What an amazing mom I have! I'm so thankful for her everyday! I am also so blessed with Kathy as my mother-in-law. I couldn't have it better. Two amazing moms to learn from and strive to be like!